John W Campbell: The Last Evolution
Murray Leinster: Sam, This Is You
Frederik Pohl: The Day of the Boomer Dukes
Neil R Jones: The Death s Head Meteor
Theodore Sturgeon: The Martian and the Moron
Poul Anderson: Industrial Revolution
Phillip K Dick: Beyond Lies the Wub
Frank Herbert: Looking For Something?
James Blish: The Thing in the Attic
Lester del Rey: Let em Breathe Space
Hugo Gernsback: Fifty Years From Now
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Hardcover ~$25.00 Out of print
6x9 414 pages
ISBN 978-0-9910531-1-7
Best choice. This book was designed to a physical book, and the experience can't be replicated on a screen. First use of the word "astronaut, first stories by AE van Vogt and Frank Herbert, a futurist essay by Hugo Gernsback, biographies and photos of the authors, five stories exactly as presented in the magazines, and more. A great gift for any science fiction fan!
Paperback ~$15.00 Out of print
6x9 414 pages
Second best choice. The paperback's interior is identical to the hardcover version.
128,852 words
Best choice for computer screens and large tablets
Nook and most readers. Best choice for most tablets. Note: there are still bugs in this file that need removal
Note: there are still bugs in this file that need removal
Note: The HTML version of this book contains all illustrations, but not the scanned text of the magazines as they are in other versions. Best choice for phones and small tablets.
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